Snow Stars Program
Age range: 5-11 years (child must be 5 before December 31)
The Snow Stars program focuses on developing essential skills, basic abilities and on-hill etiquette. Athlete must be able to ride chairlift comfortably and confidently. Instruction and coaching is provided by qualified, enthusiastic and patient coaches. Emphasis is on fun and a team attitude is fostered at all times.
Scheduled Times:
Every Saturday from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
$500 - First Child:
$325 Registration Fee
$75 Annual Family Membership
$100 Alpine Saskatchewan Raffle Ticket Deposit*
$400 - Second Child:
$300 Registration Fee
$100 Alpine Saskatchewan Raffle Ticket Deposit*
$300 - Subsequent Child:
$300 Registration Fee
No Alpine Saskatchewan Raffle Ticket Deposit*
Fees are subject to change
Additional fundraising as required